Top Tips on How to Shampoo for Your Cat

We all know cats hate being put into the soapy water and washed down, but sometimes there’s no way around it. However, as worrying as the idea of bathing cats may be, there are ways to make the experience a little more comfortable for both you and your pet. Here are some tips to teach you which can easy for you to bathe your cat.

The water temperature should not be too low or too high. Keep the room warm to prevent the cat from catching a cold and causing a cold.

Cats should not be bathed when they are in poor health. Generally, it is advisable to take 1 or 2 times a month. Because the oil of the skin has a protective effect on the skin and hair. If there are too many baths and a lot of oil is lost, the fur will become rough, brittle, and dull, and the skin elasticity will decrease, which will affect the cat’s appearance and may also cause skin inflammation.

You can’t take a bath before getting vaccinated. Kittens that have not been vaccinated have very low resistance, and they can easily catch a cold and diarrhea and cause more serious problems in the bath. It is recommended to wash after two vaccinations for two weeks.

If your cat is afraid of hair dryers, wrap it with a large towel, dry it with water, and put it in a warm place.

Do not use the nozzle to directly wash the head, and do not wash the head with water, so that the water will flow into the cat’s ears, which is very easy to cause otitis media. For head cleaning, it is recommended to wipe it with a wrung-out hot towel, and it will be cleaner if you wipe it several times.

For long-haired cats, their coat should be thoroughly combed before bathing to remove the shed coat to prevent tangles during washing.

The appropriate amount of shampoo is needed. Long hair is easy to be washed out after rinsing. The residual foam will irritate the cat’s skin and affect the hair quality of the coat.

Keep pet supplies away from children.

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